Friday, December 7, 2018

{Fall Festival}

Albert Einstein was our November Scientist of the Month.

Image result for albert einstein

Kindergarten through second grade drew and wrote about Einstein's work as a Scientist.
Third through fifth grades looked closely at Albert Einstein's words and reflected on what his words meant to them.

We celebrated Fall and Thanksgiving by doing a unit all about the harvest.

In week one, kindergarten and first grade got to take a close look at the parts of corn and how it grows. We read about the life cycle of corn and planted some corn kernels in our window. We then conducted an exploration with corn and soda to make our kernels dance.

Kindergarten and First Grade completed Scarecrow Rotations in week two. After reading Otis and the Scarecrow, they designed scarecrows using pattern blocks, constructed scarecrows with Wikki Stixs, and used ChatterPix Kids to make a video of how they would make a scarecrow smile!

Image result for chatterpix kids

Click the picture above to find your Kinder or Firstie's ChatterPix.

Second and third Grade spent this unit learning how to use Google Drawings. We used the shapes and arrows tool to create a life cycle of corn.

In this unit, fourth and fifth grade explored circuitry by using Makey Makey to turn harvest vegetables into pianos and bongo drums!!

Image result for makey makey

As always, you can find more pictures and videos on your grade level's page!