Tuesday, April 23, 2019

{The Plastic Problem}

This unit brought us back to our school wide focus of doing our part to end the plastic problem.

Our scientist for this unit was Leonardo da Vinci. We were surprised to learn that he was more than just the artist that gave us the Mona Lisa! His quote, "The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding", made us reflect on all we have learned so far this year and take pride in our knowledge. Kindergarten through second grade drew and wrote about da Vinci's work as a scientist and third through fifth graders responded to da Vinci's words.

Kindergarten and first grade learned about the great rubber ducky spill of 1992 through the story of 10 Little Rubber Ducks. We learned how trash and other items end up in the ocean and can travel all over the world.

We coded our Edison robots to travel the journey of the rubber ducks in the story. The students did great for their very first time using block coding!

They also constructed recycle bins out of magnetic tiles and straws and connectors.

Kindergarten has worked hard all year on counting and crushing the milk jugs we have collected! They are doing their part to #endtheplasticproblem.

The second and third graders were challenged to come up with recycling plans for our lunchroom. Second grade chose to collect and recycle the plastic forks used each day and third grade decided to collect and recycle snack bags. 

Each class made posters, songs, and commercials to spread the word. Second grade learned how to create digital posters in Google Slides. The posters were hung in the hall and the songs and commercials were shared on our morning announcements. Second and third grade Student Council representatives also shared their plans at their Student Council Meeting. 

Here are just a few of their advertisements:

You can view the rest on their grade level pages!

Fourth and Fifth Grade Students were asked to think beyond our school. They worked in groups to complete what I called, "The Plastic Prototype Project." We learned "How to Be an Inventor" from Kid President.

Each group created a business and designed a business logo. They learned to use Google Drawings to learn a bit about graphic design. Their business then had to develop a product made from recycled plastic or an invention that would remove plastic from the ocean, make a prototype of the product or invention, and make an advertisement to market their product or invention. We have some awesome graphic designers and engineers!

You can view the rest of their logos, inventions, and advertisements on their grade level pages!